Soila Juárez Dávila

T +52 (55) 3189-0050

SOILA JUÁREZ, born Mexico City, July 21, 1980; admitted 2005, Mexico. Education: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City (Attorney at Law 1998). LANGUAGES: Spanish and English.

PRACTICE AREAS: Water Law, Environmental Law, Litigation and Corporate Law.

Professional experience: In 2006 joined this Firm as Associate where she continued her practice until 2015. In 2015 she joined, as Associate, the Environmental Practice Group of the Law Firm Haynes and Boone, S.C. (Mexico City office) where she worked until 2017; on November 1, 2018 she rejoined again as Associate to this Firm where she continues her practice.

  • • Successful environmental legal representation to a major petrochemical company in Mexico allegedly responsible for not complying with environmental provisions in the area of management of hazardous wastes.
  • • Environmental legal advice for the location and construction in Mexico of a tailing dam and lixiviation plant for a major mining company for the exploitation of manganese.
  • • Successful water legal representation of a major mining company allegedly responsible for exceeding allowable parameters of pollutants in national waters.
  • • Successful water legal representation of a major U.S. company engaged in the production of food in Mexico, allegedly responsible for the omission of payment of federal duties related to water discharges.
  • • Obtain federal environmental authorization for the transfer of various sites polluted with hazardous wastes and the corresponding remediation programs for companies in the area of automotive parts, chemicals, prints, etc.